Friday, February 27, 2009

From the pot to the fire

This morning Tai-tai sent me an email... her one and only sentence was like a bullet that passed through my heart..

"Cik X confirmed cannot get the maid by March with all her excuses."

Ok..firstly I was worried that the new maid won't be here on time...but now the case has turned for the worse - from the pot straight to the fire... How is it possible for me and Tai-tai to find another maid in less than two weeks?

Over lunch today me and Tai-tai devised our next course of action:
  1. Contact Kak Fauziah in Pandan Indah to temporarily babysit Aisyah and Aliyah;
  2. Ask around for maid agency references; and
  3. Prepare ourselves to share the household chores until we find a new maid.
Taking into consideration Aliyah's condition, sending our children to daycare nursery is definitely not an option at this stage.

Daddy : Panic attack. Stay calm. Houston...we got a problem!

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