Friday, December 26, 2008

Anak bapak

I was in the shower this morning when Tai-tai suddenly knocked on the bathroom door.

Tai-tai : Yayang!!!!

Daddy : Huh--huh--huh... (opened the door a bit so that she could see that my face was already smeared with Facial Cleansing Foam (Lore@l...because you're worth it!!!)

Aliyah was crying out loud. Tai-tai tried her best to calm the baby down but unfortunately it did not work. I noticed that with Aliyah, four out of five times, I was able to soothe her down when her crying was at the top of the decibel range.

I'm not too sure why but I guess it must be the amount of fat that my arms have accumulated all these years, something that Tai-tai is currently lacking. Aliyah probably felt more comfortable in my arms, probably her alternative version of soft and bouncy mattress. In the above-left pix Aliyah was wearing a jumper set with the words "Daddy's Little Girl" printed on it.

Pix above : Feeding time using Special Needs Feeder


Elly said...

i dunno adil. i think all girls are "daddy's girls" doncha think? hihi... my hubby, like urself is really hands-on..lucky me and atie :P

J.A.D said...

hi.. stumbled onto your blog while blog hopping. The first thing that struck me when I read your blog is how cute your daughters really are. The next thing I realised is that your youngest daughter share the same name with my daughter. All the aliyas I know are very active & determined ladies. You have been warned :)