Thursday, October 16, 2008

Health check

I gave my blood sample for test last week following a very high blood pressure reading of 170/110 in the middle of Ramadhan. The results of the test came in yesterday.

The Verdict

I would say that I failed marginally, but I still got some room for improvement. Already lost about 5 kgs during the fasting month, I am determined and motivated to keep shedding the kilos off.

The Punishment

Today's lunch will be my second day on homemade salad (I mixed the salad myself last night). Pure veges didn't taste that good, but with a bit of help from blue cheese dressing, I managed to swallow it down my throat.


binx said...

i think you should switch the dressing for your salad... baru effective!

Unknown said...

check out men's health magazine.

It will tell you some good food for a balance diet.

- Izzuddin