Friday, January 30, 2009

Another batch of updates

Yeah...another week has passed by and I am looking forward for another long weekend this week. This week's updates...

On Tai-tai
She is currently enjoying her last week off before returning to office next week. Already feeling comfy at home, I think she would be dragging her feet to work from next Tuesday onwards.

On Aisyah
My little Aisyah turned 3 yesterday. Tai-tai bought her a small chocolate cake and candles for the normal birthday rituals. But when we started to sing the birthday song, her response was "No birthday...". Tai-tai and myself are organising a small birthday party for Aisyah tomorrow (invitation mostly to the kids from the block, so please don't feel offended if you're not on the invitation list..heh!heh!).

Proposed menu for tomorrow:
1. Chocolate cream birthday cake;
2. Assorted colorful cupcakes;
3. Pasta with chicken bologna sauce;
4. Fresh garden salad with choice of thousand island or ceasar dressing ;
5. Chicken sandwich;
6. Mini chicken cocktail with zucchinis;
7. Seafood Chinese fried rice;
8. Fried chicken wings and drumsticks marinated with honey mustard sauce;
9. Watermelons; and
10.Blackcurrant drink.

I hope that she will behave well tomorrow as the host and birthday girl and not confining herself in the maid's room!

On Aliyah
We tried to train Aliyah during night time (last feeding around 1 am and earliest feeding around 5 am or so) to minimise disruptions to our sleep. Unfortunately we have not been successful as expected so far. Instead Aliyah is throwing her tantrums more often nowadays, especially towards the second half of each feeding. We noted that Aliyah's behavior is better during daytime compared to night time. Although this proves to be challenging for both me and Tai-tai, we treat it as a blessing in disguise.. at least she's behaving well when she's with the maid.

Daddy: I need a good massage.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Missing the blog

The last few weeks have been very hectic for me, especially on work-wise matters. I am looking forward for the Chinese New Year break with high anticipation for some "time-off" at my parents' house, and spending more time with Tai-tai and the kids, of course!

Aisyah is going to be 3 soon, and Aliyah (now fondly being referred to as "Adik" - ada harapan untuk jadi anak bongsu ni...) is turning two months old this Saturday. How time flies!

A few people commented that I have lost some weight. Well, I've been practising Atkins Diet as much as possible so I presume that the results are now slowly surfacing. But the main thing that I wish I could do more is exercising. I just can not find the time to hit the gym...

In a nutshell, a summary of things that have taken place since my last posting:

1. I seemed to have lost the ability to calm Aliyah down whenever she cries;
2. It is now harder to convince Aisyah to take her bath and meals;
3. I have installed CCTV at my house;
4. Aliyah is already 4 kg;
5. Me an Tai-tai have already had two sessions of cup cakes baking; and
6. We took Aisyah for a trip to pasar borong, and she didn't like it at all!!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Yesterday I watched a good movie on HBO... LICENSE TO WED, played by Mandy Moore, John Krasinski and Robin Williams. The movie was about a couple who wanted to get married but had to pass a pre-marriage course, planned by their local church pastor.

After watching the movie, I realised that challenges and problems in a married life (or in a family life as a matter of fact) are common and something that almost everybody has to encounter. Even if you remain as a celibate or single person you are still part of a family structure, right? So there is no escape route from this particular situation. I am now looking at my own life. I'll turn 31 this year.

During my early to mid teenage years, I considered myself to be "a snob" and had communication issues with almost everybody.

Late teens to early 20's - early maturity period and I began to accept the fact that being a snob and a self-centered person is definitely a no-no if you want to live in a community, more so if you wish to get married and have a family of your own.

Mid 20's - getting myself adjusted in a married life, where challenges are normally circulated around mis-communication and not meeting the expectations.

Late 20's to present - adopted the "give and take" and compromise policy as a husband and father ( in for the cartoon channel is one of it). But most important is to be a good role model and father figure for my two daughters. Honestly, I have yet to start acting like a father... I think. Perhaps I should ask Tai-tai's view on this....hmmm...

My colour personality test result...

I did a colour personality test...and the results are as follow...

Daddy's Existing Situation

Imaginative and sensitive; seeking an outlet for these qualities--especially in the company of someone equally sensitive. Interest and enthusiasm are readily aroused by the unusual or the adventurous.

Daddy's Stress Sources

An existing situation or relationship is unsatisfactory, but he feels unable to change it to bring about the sense of belonging which he needs. Unwilling to expose his vulnerability, he therefore continues to resist this state of affairs, but feels dependent on the attachment. This not only depresses him but makes him irritable and impatient producing considerable restlessness and the urge to get away from the situation, either actually or, at least, mentally. Ability to concentrate may suffer.

Daddy's Restrained Characteristics

Circumstances are forcing him to compromise, to restrain his demands and hopes, and to forgo for the time being some of the things he wants.

Daddy's Desired Objective

Has a powerful drive towards sensuousness.

Daddy's Actual Problem

Anxiety and a restless dissatisfaction, either with circumstances or with unfulfilled emotional needs, have produced considerable stress. He tries to escape from these into a conflict-free security in which he can relax and recover.

The fear that he might be prevented from achieving the things he wants increases his need for security and freedom from conflict. Is therefore seeking stability and an environment in which he can relax.